Somatic therapy to help you find balance and well being.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

BCST is a gentle hands-on approach to bodywork that helps to regulate the nervous system.

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing is a body oriented modality that helps to heal trauma and other stress disorders.

To find health should be the object of the doctor. Anyone can find disease.

– A.T. Still MD, DO Philosophy of Osteopathy


“From the first session, I felt comfortable and relaxed with Christy. She's able to tune into where my body and mind are and meet me there, providing helpful reflections and questions without saying too much. She has a masterful grasp of anatomy and the nervous system, and I always leave her sessions feeling more relaxed and integrated, and the results last. I would highly recommend Christy to anyone!.”

“Christy has an intuitive approach to healing. Her touch is powerfully precise while always sensitive. The work we did together really has had a lasting impact on my health and well-being.”

““Working with Christy helped me feel looser and easier in my body.”

“Working with Christy has changed my entire healing journey! She has helped me learn how to become integrated - I didn’t realize my body could be one harmonious dance. I greatly appreciate being a conscious co-creator of my health and understanding what is going on inside and Christy has helped give me that opportunity. I have finally begun feeling real relief & healing from my chronic pain and issues.  I am now living & breathing in awareness within my body...truly life altering for me!”.